This is a very distressing article Kenneth. As a Member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Authors Association, I can tell you that our members depend heavily on festivals and book fairs to get their books in front of the reading public. And in turn these venues depend heavily on sponsors to get off the ground. It’s impressive(!), and very ‘scary’ (to use a much exaggerated term) that a radical few can disrupt the lives and well-fare of so many. Doug Jordan, Treasurer, Canadian Authors.

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Everyone's complicit in the dark ,dirty, unethical, murderous activities of monstrous corporations, so hey, let's not do anything about it. Let's just continue taking their money, art washing it a bit, continuing to write and sell books about all of the horrors and keep discussing them inside the tents. Cool.

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"And perhaps activists will recognize there are ways to protest the bad they think corporations do without destroying the undoubted good they do."

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I thought the whole purpose of being a poet certainly, was to try to make shit like this happen?

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lead self-destructive boycotts? where did you get your mfa?

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A place that's mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

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I doubt it

More like "soft, safe, and sequestered"

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Meanwhile - as these and other efforts become common, from glueing oneself to a piece of art or spray painting Stonehenge - the Government of Canada has produced a means to pursue Canadian energy and resource companies by creating specific criminal penalties for ‘greenwashing ads’. The PM’s penchant for calling out those with ‘unacceptable views’, in the case of oil & gas companies operating in Canada, have enlisted the courts as a tool for their climate allies.

Canada is barely worth the squeeze and now this. ‘CLOSED FOR BUSINESS’ nailed to the front door.

And as we make it harder to do business in Canada, Canadian energy companies will continue to consolidate, grow assets elsewhere and eventually be run from elsewhere. The end.

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I don't understand the festivals' response - tell FFB to push off, keep the sponsorship money, and if (soft-headed) authors don't want to participate - oh well; it's not like there's a shortage of authors looking for publicity.

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Thank you for another fascinating glimpse under the covers of the publishing and corporate sponsorship worlds. It seems to me these ethical dilemmas are as old as the hills. Fools, bards, composers and artists throughout history have depended on the benevolence of kings and courtiers who became wealthy through brutal wars, killing and conquests. There are still no easy answers.

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