I count myself lucky to be an ECW author and to have Jack in my corner.

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Loved the interview, and congratulations to ECW and Jack David. Also appreciated the piece "We Don't Hate Banks Enough." Very timely, as TD was just hit with a record 3 billion dollar fine for knowingly engaging in criminal activity as money launderers in the USA.

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Great interview. Hard to believe you spoke to Jack before you launched Sutherland House, presumably heard some of this then, and still took the plunge.

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Jack David is a legend.

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Congratulations on 50 years of publishing excellence! It is nice to read about entrepreneurial success, a real David versus Goliath story in this case. I was happy to learn more about all of the hard work you’ve put forth in creating a legacy with authors and audiences alike. Your personal success and business acumen are an inspiration for us all. Thank you for sharing knowledge that accompanies patient experience gathered from arduous decades collimated.

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I have now created a password and hope it works. I'm kinda old here.

Gail B, St. Catharines

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Well, I don't have a password for Shush but I do have a comment because I live in St. Catharines and the city Heritage Committee and others have already named the Lakeside Park pavilion as the Peart Park Pavilion and a statue of Peart has been commissioned by donors.

What a great interview. It brought back memories of our son's devotion to RUSH, attending every concert he could and the many locals who know the family here. As a librarian, I read the first book published, promoted others of his (and of his local family) and am just gushing with pride. Peart was, as noted in the interview, a natural born writer, not just a musician. A true artist.

Just as Jack David is an inspiration to all publishers and independent book stores. My local Indie bookstory is going to be forwarded this article, as is our library.

Gail B, St. C.

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